SPE “AVIVAC” operates its own Diagnostic centre where an original comprehensive approach to the diagnosis of avian infectious diseases has been developed. Our experts conduct diagnostic studies taking into account the epizootic situation in the vicinity of the farm and protection strategies adapted  to a variety of poultry breeds.

The centre carries out diagnostic research into the most significant and commonly occurring avian diseases such as Newcastle disease (ND), avian influenza (AI), Marek's disease (MD), avian leucosis and sarcoma complex, infectious bursal disease (IBD), avian infectious bronchitis (IB), infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), infectious encephalomyelitis (IEM), reovirus tenosynovitis (REO), chicken anaemia virus (CAV), paramyxovirus infection (PI), avian adenovirus infections (AAI), chicken pox, mycoplasmosis (MG, MS), colibacteriosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, pseudomonas, coccoid infections, histomonosis, coccidiosis, avian mycoses, avian mycotoxicosis etc.

Our experts have access to cutting edge equipment, efficient software and highly specific diagnostic test systems on the basis of ELISA and IgA analysis and PCR. So called classical diagnostic assays are also widely used, such as virus neutralization test, gel diffusion precipitation test, haemagglutination inhibition test, indirect haemagglutination test, agglutination test, microbiological assays relying on selective growth media, and equipment for biochemical differentiation of bacteria. Thus, we are able to rapidly obtain and process reliable test results.

AVIVAC’s highly qualified experts offer help to veterinary practitioners at poultry farms. We also provide consulting services as a follow-up to our diagnostic studies, resulting in reliable evaluation of the epizootic situation, which enables us to develop a personalised highly efficacious strategy for minimizing the damage from avian infectious diseases tailored to the needs of every given farm.

When drawing up anti-epizootic strategies, our experts take into account husbandry and management aspects, the diet received by the birds, the possibility of stress and immunosuppression, be it caused by infection or non-contagious in nature. This approach ensures that the resulting individual guidelines prove to be more efficacious.

The Diagnostic Centre also runs its own training program in diagnostics and specific prevention of avian infectious.

We have confidence in the efficacy of our solutions and are open to business partnership. Our extensive experience in the domain of veterinary services for industrial poultry farming is a guarantee of reliability and quality!

The Centre conducts diagnostic research into the most significant and commonly occurring avian diseases including:

  • Newcastle disease (ND);
  • infectious bursal disease (IBD);
  • avian infectious bronchitis (IB);
  • infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT);
  • infectious encephalomyelitis (IE);
  • reovirus tenosynovitis (REO);
  • avian influenza (AI);
  • adenovirus infections (AVI);
  • paramyxovirus infection (PI);
  • Marek’s disease;
  • avian leucosis and sarcoma complex;
  • mycoplasmosis (MG, MC);
  • colibacteriousis;
  • pasteurellosis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • Pseudomonas infection;
  • coccoid infections;
  • histomonosis;
  • coccidiosis.